Περιλήψεις εργασιών της Ομάδας Αστρικής Φασματοσκοπίας στο 12th Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics

σχετικές ηλεκτρονικές διευθύνσεις: Ομάδας Αστρικής Φασματοσκοπίας και 12th Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics

The multicomponent nature of Lya, N V, Si IV, C IV BALs of J131912.39+534720.5

Stathopoulos1,2, E. Danezis1,, E. Lyratzi1,2, A. Antoniou1 and D. Tzimeas1
1National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Physics, Panepistimioupoli, Zographou 157 84, Athens, Greece
2Eugenides Foundation, 387 Syngrou Av., 175 64, Athens, Greece
In this paper we report the discovery of a Broad Absorption Line (BAL) Quasar whose Lya, N V, Si IV and C IV BALs consist of the same number of components. Utilizing two epoch spectra of J131912.39+534720.5, from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), we perform multicomponent fits to Lya, N V, Si IV and C IV BALs and BELs. We analyze each BAL trough to nine doublets. Our model (GR-model) which can fit simultaneously multiple ions and the fitting criteria we impose during the fitting process guarantee that the number of doublets, each BAL trough is analyzed into, as well as the calculated physical parameters (radial velocities, optical depths, FWHMs) are uniquely determined. By resolving the high ionization BAL troughs into multiple components we study individually each absorbing system in the line of sight and probe its variability in a time interval of ten years. Finally, we investigate the correlation between BAL and BEL variability. Our results suggest that Lya, N V, Si IV and C IV BALs arise from the same clumpy gas clouds having similar locations, kinematic structure and physical conditions, indicating that quasar winds are far from being smooth and homogeneous. Finally, our findings suggest that variations exhibited by individual absorption components are due to changes in the ionization state of the outflowing gas. Mutlicomponent fitting of Lya, N V, Si IV and C IV BALS and BELs is performed using ASTA software built by the Astrophysical Spectroscopy Team of the University of Athens.

Variability of Si IV and C IV broad absorption and emission lines of Wolf-Rayet stars, Cataclysmic Variables, Hot Emission stars and Quasars using GR model and ASTA software

Lyratzi1,2, D. Stathopoulos1,2, E. Danezis1, A. Antoniou1 and D. Tzimeas1
1National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Physics, Panepistimioupoli, Zographou 157 84, Athens, Greece
2Eugenides Foundation, 387 Syngrou Av., 175 64, Athens, Greece
In this paper using GR model and ASTA software, built by the Astrophysical Spectroscopy Team of the University of Athens, we perform multicomponent fits and analyze the complex emission and absorption lines in the spectra of a BAL Quasar, a Hot Emission Star, a Wolf-Rayet and a Cataclysmic Variable. We are thus able to study the radial velocity, the optical depth, the FWHM and the column density of the components that compose the complex absorption and emission spectral lines. Utilizing two epoch spectra of each object we probe the kinematics, physical conditions and time variability of each individual emission and absorption component that contribute to the formation of P-Cygni profiles, ubiquitous in the UV spectra of these objects. We show that the outflows of the studied objects are far from being smooth and homogeneous but instead are clumpy and unstable. Finally, we present the ability of our model and software to resolve the complex P-Cygni profiles of different types of astronomical objects.

Time scale variations of C IV and Si IV P-Cygni profiles in the UV spectrum of the O -star HD 93521

Antoniou1 , E. Danezis1,, E. Lyratzi1,2, D. Stathopoulos1,2, , and D. Tzimeas1
1National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Physics, Panepistimioupoli, Zographou 157 84, Athens, Greece
2Eugenides Foundation, 387 Syngrou Av., 175 64, Athens, Greece
In this paper we study the UV Si IV and C IV P-Cygni profiles of the O-star HD 93521 in four different periods spanning a time interval of 16 years. Using GR model, we perform multicomponent fits to Si IV and C IV P-Cygni profiles, and we analyze both emission and absorption spectral lines to the individual components they consist of. We therefore resolve and study independently (a) the emission from the adjacent absorption and (b) the different components that compose both the emission and absorption profiles. By measuring the radial velocities, FWHMs, optical depths (at lines centers) and column densities of each individual emission and absorption component we probe the physical conditions, kinematics and time variability of each individual emitting/absorbing cloud in the line of sight. Finally, we examine the variability of the ratios of the column densities between the absorption and emission components that form the P-Cygni profiles. Our main goal is to test the distinction and independence of emission and absorption components indicating that the stellar wind, as in the case of quasar outflows, is not smooth and homogeneous but clumpy, consisting of emitting and absorbing clouds that form the complex P-Cygni profiles. Mutlicomponent fitting of Si IV and C IV P-Cygni profiles is performed using ASTA software built by the Astrophysical Spectroscopy Team of the University of Athens.

Exploring the potential of ASTA software in analyzing Broad emission and absorption lines

Tzimeas (1), D. Stathopoulos (1,2),E. Danezis (1), E. Lyratzi (1,2), and A. Antoniou (1)
(1) National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Physics, Department of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, Panepistimioupoli, Zographou 157 84, Athens, Greece}
 (2) Eugenides Foundation, 387 Syngrou Av., 175 64, Athens, Greece
In this work we present a method for the analysis of emission lines of various astronomical objects, such as Wolf Rayet, Cataclysmic Variable, O, B, Oe, Be stars and quasars, using ASTA software. We focus on spectra in which emission lines are blended with adjacent broad absorption lines forming P-Cygni type profiles. We highlight the ability of the suggested method not only to deblend the emission from the absorption profiles and study them independently but also to analyze these profiles to the individual components they consist of. We are thus able to study each individual emitting/absorbing system in the line of sight and probe its variability in time. We outline the advantages of the suggested method in investigating the variability of individual absorption and emission components of various astronomical objects compared to current complex profile analysis methods. Our recent research work is focused on:
(i) The importance of analyzing both emission and absorption lines by using two new mathematical distributions developed by our team, Rotation (R) and Gauss-Rotation (GR).
(ii) a new method of measuring the column density of each individual absorption/emission component and probe its time variability between different epochs. Multicomponent fitting of emission/absorption lines have been carried out using ASTA software, a spectral analysis software for displaying, fitting and analyzing astronomical emission and absorption spectra developed by our team.








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